Bespoke IT and Media Training Services
Working in conjunction with Lewisham College and Brixton Prison, Inbox Consultancy delivered to prisoners a new, innovative two-week course on Presentation skills using PowerPoint. Brixton Prison is predominately a remand prison so the classes tended to be of a ‘roll in - roll out’ nature. Students were given an on-line initial IT skills assessment followed by a discussion about their individual learning needs. The underlying use of the PowerPoint application allowed us to explore student communications skills and, through the project, give them an opportunity to present their story to other students.
Following the roll out of the course, a recent OFSTED report for delivering ICT training at Brixton Prison identified that our new and innovative learning approach contributed to the training facility run through Lewisham College obtaining a Grade 2.
Working with Harrow College, Inbox Consultancy developed a level 2 Adult SLR Photography course to build on students’ previous knowledge and develop their skills. This was a 15 week very comprehensive practical course covering every aspect of SLR photography. The course was supported by our new interactive on-line virtual learning environment proving a pre-course questionnaire, all course material, a photography wiki, forum and relevant links.
Delivering an introductory Adult course in Photoshop for Brent Adult Education was an exciting project that used our interactive on-line virtual learning environment to provide the students with a very interactive learning experience. The course developed the essential underpinning knowledge required for graphic design and was extended to include web design using Photoshop.